Annual Review

Powerful questions to help you cut the noise, see patterns, and act decisively in 2025

“Every leader does year-end review and comes to conclusions of one sort or another. My observation is that two leaders looking at the same information will not see the same thing. The one who’s a more skilled analyst, who digs deeper and wider, will benefit more.”

— Super Bowl Winning Coach Bill Walsh.

1. The Key to Success

When I interview the best in the world on The Knowledge Project Podcast, one factor correlates more toward success than any other.

While luck, ambition, competence, ambition, talent, passion, and intelligence play a role, knowing what you want is the most important driver of success.

Success means different things to different people. Success isn’t money, fame, or fancy things. Success is simply knowing what you want and getting it.

When you know what you want, you can direct your choices and attention toward getting it.

Be honest with yourself about what you want.

What I want is ….

2. An Honest Audit

Success is simple but not easy: Do more of what works. Eliminate what doesn't.

Great leaders regularly step back and analyze their performance with clear eyes.

Imagine a world-class CEO just took over your life. You're not in charge anymore, they are.

What key metrics will they look at to gauge where you are at?

Your Metrics (e.g., time spent with family, savings in the bank, time spent on focused work)